
Showing posts from May, 2020

Data Science and Employment Opportunities

Data Science Data  As we all know the world is rapidly growing in the field of Information Technology and we have to store lots of information in the form of data, that a large amount of data is known as Big Data .  The challenge which comes with big data is storage and access to the right information out of bulk data for business analysis and predictions. Before this era the data was less and stored in a structured manner, nowadays the data is huge and can be structured, unstructured, and semi-structured. Structured, Unstructured, Semi-structured huge data  Cleaning, Processing, Maintaining, Organizing The solution which comes to store the big data is Hadoop and other frameworks, now the main attraction is cleaning, processing, maintaining, organizing and analyzing that data, here the Data Science comes in the role. In short Data Science is extracting meaningful data or information from large and complex datasets. Cleaning, Processing, Maintaining, Organizing Data Analysis, and Machin

Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions provide the simplest and shortest way to define anonymous functions.  Java Swing frequently uses anonymous functions for event handling. Lambda expressions define the body of Functional Interfaces . An interface that has only one abstract method, is called Functional Interface. It can be annotated by  @FunctionalInterface annotation. Let's define HelloInt functional interface that has an abstract method  say()  : @FunctionalInterface interface HelloInt { public void say(); } Now define interface definition using old anonymous function approach:  HelloInt aFun = new HelloInt() { public void say() { System.out.println("Hello Anonymous Function"); } }; aFun.say(); Let's define the anonymous function using Lambda expression:   HelloInt lambFun = () -> System.out.println("Hello Lambda"); lambFun.say(); The above example, clearly shown the shortest code of an anonymous function definition. The only condition is interface must have

Java Streams API - Process set of elements

A Stream is a series of objects. Source of a stream is an Array, Collection, or Other I/O source. A Stream does not store data, it does only intermediate operations. It can filter and manipulate the elements of its source. Streams are lazy, the source and intermediate operations do nothing until objects are needed by the terminal operation. Steams APIs are contained by package.  A water filter is the best example of streams.   It processes the water stream.  It has multiple filters that work one after another.  Filters do purification, reverse osmosis, refinement of water, and produce drinking water.  The water filter does not store the water it simply processes the water stream. Getting Started  1. Create a Stream and print all elements  Let's create a stream from a collection and print all its elements.  The following example creates a Stream from the list collection and prints all elements of the collection using its forEach method. List<String> items =